Leapin' Louie

The Roping Fool


The Leapin’ Louie show features high-energy spoken comedy, audience participation, physical comedy, and lots of tricks: lasso twirling, whip cracking (when appropriate), juggling, high unicycle and other bits.
David selects a Leapin’ Louie show from a large pool of material; the show can be of any length, 5 to 60 minutes, typically about 40 minutes at a Dinner event or celebration where he is the main entertainment. He can bring a small sound system with him, or plug his wireless mic and music player into a sound system on site.
For evening adult shows Louie is usually to be found in sharp colorful suit and a bowtie. However, because in the modern world comedians and jugglers are both a dime-a-dozen, he is often now being asked for the all-western show in cowboy regalia. After all, he is the most explosive Lithuanian Jewish Cowboy Comedian to ever come out of Oregon.

Show: The Roping Fool
Country: USA
Genre: Cowboy Comedy Show
Email: david@comedytricks.com
Url: http://www.comedytricks.com