Roaring emily band
Roaring emily band

The Roaring Emily Band was founded in 2000. The band performs in traditional jazz concerts.
The result is a characteristic sound inspired to New Orleans. For some years the band was
invited to attend the most important International Festival of Traditional Jazz, Theater and Street
Artists. Many squares, theaters and jazz clubs in Europe who have seen the roaring protagonist Band
Romagnola. The group has conducted tours in Italy Switzerland, Germany, Croatia, Spain, Sweden, France,
Denmark and Bosnia Herzegovina.
The result is a characteristic sound inspired to New Orleans. For some years the band was
invited to attend the most important International Festival of Traditional Jazz, Theater and Street
Artists. Many squares, theaters and jazz clubs in Europe who have seen the roaring protagonist Band
Romagnola. The group has conducted tours in Italy Switzerland, Germany, Croatia, Spain, Sweden, France,
Denmark and Bosnia Herzegovina.
Show: Roaring emily band
Country: Italy
Genre: comic music
Country: Italy
Genre: comic music