- Becky Hoops (canada)Becky charms and cracks up her public combining absurd characters and her many hula hoops. She hoops in an unconventional, quirky fashion, using parody and humor to touch her public. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Thomas Blackthorne (England)Holds 8 Guinness record, raises 12 pounds with your tongue, swallow swords and 65 cm, and after four years he returns to Pennabilli with 30 pounds of snake and many other numbers that leave you breathless. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Gli Orsi (Italy)"Gli Orsi" a band that was born from the popular music and film tunes. The original songs are performed by Stefano Bonato, Umberto Giovannini, and guitar by Stephen Pagliarani SUITABLE FOR: ALL
- Spring Groove & Marco Sbarbati (italy - USA)Spring Groove is joined by Marco Sbarbati to sing heartfelt folk music that feeds the soul and warms the heart. SUITABLE FOR: ALL
- Senor Stets (Denmark - Spain)A man comes crawling, carrying a suitcase on the back. A show with few elements. SUITABLE FOR: ADULT
- Benjamin Delmas - Mago B (France)A mush up of circus, magic and delirious comedy. Dosing irony and provocation, Mago B. will invite you in his world of laughs, magic and acrobatics. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Actor with objects
- Marivelas - Timbrami per un'ora (almeno) (italy - Cuba)Actor with objectsDramatic stories (but funny) are the history of this wonderful show full of objects and strange situations. SUITABLE FOR: ADULTIn Pennabilli: 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Circus
- Julot - Les Cousins (France)CircusHere is our man, in a floppy and elastic walk, raving around a pole, animating the hoops to the rhythms of his body, playing cheerfully with colors and music... and from dizzy spells to waves finally overhanging up to 9 meter high !!! SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Los Pajaros (Italy)CircusAcrobatic show of clowning and juggling ornitomusica: all ... at low heat. SUITABLE FOR: ADULTIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Collectif Clowns D'Ailleurs et D'Ici (France)CircusPhare Ponleu Selpak is a Cambodian association that draws its origin from the refugee camps on the Thai border.Phare Ponleu Selpak's circus school started its activities in Battambang, Cambodia in 1998, while the association was carrying out a program to take care of street children. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Circus - Theater
- Coliflor (Italy - France - Greece)Circus - TheaterThe company was born from meeting with "mini companies" (French) and "BellePou-belle" (Chile-Italy), and collaborate with "Circo Paniko" from the summer of 2009. From this meeting comes the desire to create a show full of theater, music, acrobatics and dance.In Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Cirko Paniko (Italy- France- Greece)Circus - TheaterCaptivating, fun ... a surreal crossroads of absurd characters that fuel the chaos developing plots and reports through the balance. Suitable for: ADULTIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- circus theatre
- Simbiosi (Italy)circus theatreShow of puppetry and circus clowns. The company is part of the collective Circus PanikO. SUITABLE FOR: ALL - CHILDREN (OVER 6 YEARS)
- My!Laika (Italy- Germany - Holland)circus theatreThe sound of the electric guitar joins a sewing machine. The notes accompanying the plan stunts ... Laughter, applause and shivering audience and actors: the circus My! Laika. SUITABLE FOR: ALL - CHILDREN (OVER 9 YEARS)In Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Gaby Corbo (Argentina)circus theatreAn artist who expect a letter and a postman that will work to deliver it. "Senza indirizzo" is a circus theater show, where you can see vertical balances, juggling, Chinese pole and so many gags. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun
- Clown
- Los Carambas (England - Portugal - USA -Spain)ClownLos Carambas is a new international group of modern clowns, actors, acrobats, musicians, and dancers, hailing from diverse places such as Portugal, Alaska, Spain & Great Britain. SUITABLE FOR: ALL
- Petit soleil (Italy)ClownFrom the world of clowns that of fools, we bring the power of theatricality. Petit Soleil in the new project move from experimental group, new experiences, new clowns cheers. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Clown - Circus
- Compagnie Tita8lou (Switzerland)Clown - CircusIt's the time to come clean. She's Maddalena. Bernard is american, Charlie's french and there's Monica, Hans, Marta the mamma and... shoes. A world in one body. SUITABLE FOR: ALL - CHILDREN (OVER 9 YEARS)In Pennabilli: 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Clown - Puppets
- Trukitrek (Italy - Spain)Clown - PuppetsBlue Moon is a poetic spectacle made with small actions and small absurdities. It's a clown and puppets show telling the daily life of a man in love with the moon. The story is set at the end of '60 between a real world and a world in miniature. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- comedy and mime
- Funny Bones (Japan - England)comedy and mimeThis unique japanese and english combination features amazing giant puppetry, comedy magic, mime and forever new routines in an up-tempo, slapstick, toy box flair of originality. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Comedy juggling & live music
- Oskar & Strudel (Switzerland - Australia)Comedy juggling & live musicThe dexterity and sublime comedy of Oskar meets the musical virtuosity and irresistible charm of Strudel. Together they transport the audience to a place where life and comedy become one. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- comedy, circus and theatre
- PanGottic Circus - Theatre (England - Israel)comedy, circus and theatreAn upbeat dynamic physical comedy mixing an original and unique blend of clowning, physical theatre and contemporary circus to tell an epic tale of romance gone wrong without using a single word. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- comic clown show
- Envol Distratto (Italy - France)comic clown showA dancer is ready to begin the most famous ballet of all time: "Swan Lake". An unexpected change the course of events and the situation becomes comic, but she didn' t lose her faith in the spectacle and beauty to the classical ballet. SUITABLE FOR: ALL - CHILDREN (OVER 5 YEARS)In Pennabilli: 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- dancing
- Cia DAkipaya Danza (Spain)dancingThree women in the street meet on a bench. They decide to dance, telling a delirious and burlesque story through their movements... SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Dj set, Dj set - hip hop, soul, funky breaks
- Aldo Vanucci (United Kingdom)Dj set, Dj set - hip hop, soul, funky breaksA great international English DJ!!!! With his music and his sound mix will make you dance for wonderful moments in palacirco... SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 18 Jun, 19 Jun
- eccentric clown
- Benjamin Delmas - Mr Bang (France)eccentric clownMr. Bang, the laugh terrorist, likes things that go Bang. Mr Bang, metropolitan clown will charm you with his absurde py-romantic skills, smoke tricks and explosive comedy. Mr Bang' s mission will make you laugh in the face of fear and make it disappear! SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Energetic string quartet
- Classycool (England)Energetic string quartetClassycool is a group of young talented string players who were not content in sitting in orchestras! The group play classical music in a unique way you will never have seen before. SUITABLE FOR: ALL
- folk music, pop, jazz
- Smitten (Australia)folk music, pop, jazzThe Australian band 'Smitten', is a collaboration of original music by Lizzie Sarroff and Clare Talei and is described as an eclectic blend of folk, alternative, pop and jazz. Smitten's colourful improvised act captures a unique atmospheric performance every time they play. Their sound can range from a quiet acoustic set to outrageous thick textural tones, adapting to the mood and energy of the audience. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Illustration theatre
- Marivelas - Il circo di Clemente (italy - Cuba)Illustration theatreA funny show with wood lights and puppets. The main character is Gilberto, In Cuba "essere un Giberto" means to be a simple and good person, in fact the show talk about simple things and traditional... SUITABLE FOR: CHILDREN (OVER 4 YEARS)In Pennabilli: 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Babaciu Theater (Italy)Illustration theatreA variety of musical numbers where Skel, the skinny pianist, will unexpected encounters with bizarre characters, creatures belonging to a fantastic dimension in the balance between the macabre and ironic. SUITABLE FOR: CHILDREN (OVER 5 YEARS)In Pennabilli: 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Japanese strange clowns
- Ojarus (Japan)Japanese strange clowns"Ojarus" is mystical japanese clowns. Our characteristic Long head that you can never forget once you saw it! Pay attention to their strange performance. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Jazz Funk Music - Hip Hop
- Sound Inc. (Italy - San Marino)Jazz Funk Music - Hip HopJohn Hed&Nik feat. Bioshi DJ is a young quartet that presents an original and unpublished musical repertoire ranging from jazz to funk and hip hop. SUITABLE FOR: ALL
- mechanical recycling games
- Erewhon (Italy)mechanical recycling gamesStrange buildings, objects in movement, sound mechanisms, game machines ... The square takes life with these various objects, playing, turning, spinning, jumping ... With Erewhon show start a big party where children and adults can play with games made with recycled materials (paper, plastic, stone, cloth, can, wood, shell ...). SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Mobile puppet street show
- Fix Twist (Israel)Mobile puppet street showA rare performance by soap opera diva "Principessa" who has appeared in famous baths worldwide. coming now far-off Schowerland. Accompanied by a faithful fan and accessorized with her private bathroom. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Music "one man jam"
- Ricoloop (Germany)Music "one man jam"ricoloop" is a "one-man-jam", exploring the entities of music in communication with himself as a multi-instrumentalist and songwriter! A technical tool gives him the possibility to record as much layers or loops as he wants on top of each other, while using many different instruments (incl. his voice) to experiment with many different "worlmusicstyles". All the happens almost in realtime. so that one gets the feeling that he' s jamming with himself. it' s live producing! SUITABLE FOR: ALL SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Music afro-funk
- Mick Menicucci (Italy - Portugal)Music afro-funkA mix based on a transatlantic vibrant afro-funk. Sounds rooted in afro-luso environment, from Brazil to Cape Verde with anglo-saxon music influence. SUITABLE FOR: ALL
- music folk-country-blues
- Paolo Sgallini One Man Band & Paul B. Sammers (Italy)music folk-country-bluesPaolo Sgallini was born in 1967... musically in the late eighties. Always attentive to everything that revolves around the blues and Afro - Americans, started a young musical research that leads him to learn and play the country blues, Delta Blues and Ragtime are typical of the decades 1920-40 Southern U.S.A. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 20 Jun
- Music rock'a'billy
- Jungle Boppers (Italy)Music rock'a'billyJungle Boppers is a rock'a'billy band who plays in various festivals in Europe. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 20 Jun
- music theatre
- Luigi Lullo Mosso - Omo Ritmo (Italy)music theatreOmo Ritmo is a puppet that playing the bass, sing and dance tip tap. you can begin a journey into the bizarre world of the rhythm of black music. SUITABLE FOR: ALL - CHILDREN (OVER 5 YEARS)In Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Luigi Lullo Mosso - Juke bass Box (Italy)music theatreJuke Bass Box is a "living" juke box with a contrabbasso instead of the record player ... You insert a coin and you choose a passage on the list pressing the buttons, and two arms and a head play and sing the select passage ... SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 18 Jun, 19 Jun
- Philosophy Circus
- Cirque allant vers (France)Philosophy CircusA piano comes in the square... But it is not only a piano is a piano full of juggling, music and many other SUITABLE FOR: ALL tricks...In Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- psychic clown
- Loco Brusca (Spain)psychic clownThe character of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Haydar is underlies all human beings, just different triggers can reveal the true face, in this case humor is one of them. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Puppet
- Teodor Borisov (Bulgary)PuppetAfter the experience with the Teatro La Fenice in Venice, the master Teodor Borisov, a pupil of the great Bulgarian school of puppetry, performing in Pennabilli to the delight of children who will enjoy his puppets operated by thin wires. Teodor will enchant you with an amazing show. SUITABLE FOR: ALL - CHILDREN (OVER 5 YEARS)In Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Puppets - Circus
- Theatre l'Articule (Switzerland)Puppets - CircusBooks... especially an enormous book. It opens! "The Pop-Up Cirkus is very happy to welcome you" A circus show that you leaf through and unfold! SUITABLE FOR: CHILDREN (OVER 2 YEARS)In Pennabilli: 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- rock pipes
- Celtica -Pipes Rock! (Austria)rock pipes2 world class bagpipers combined with a kick-ass Rock band: This awesome musical blend guarantees a hot Rock performance that gets you faster to the Highlands than the finest Scottish Whisky! The stage is burning! SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Silent Comedy street Theatre
- Acrobuffos (USA)Silent Comedy street TheatreA water balloon gladiator show with comic antics and loud opera music. An audience and press favorite around the globe. A show not to be missed! SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Songwriters
- Duo Bucolico (Italy)SongwritersAntonio Ramberti and Daniele Maggioli present their new album "Colonello Mustafa'", a strange show with theatrical tendencies and swing, with paradoxical atmosphere. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Street horn music
- Le Rex (Switzerland)Street horn musicFour wind intstuments and a drum � this is Le Rex, the ultimate mixture of groove, harmony and juicy melodies with an unmistakable addiction to the unexpected SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- Street theatre
- The primitives (Belgium)Street theatreA 30 minute show where a trio of strange cooks mix culinary skills, musical rhythms and comic play ... SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun
- street theatre
- Bangditos theater (Germany)street theatreThe fountain: Meeting-place, midpoint, magical center of attraction in cities. This place of communication is taken up and used as a performance site. The theme: The dedication of the fountain! The officially invited guests have arrived, the citizens await the event in breathless expectation. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun
- Tango music
- Violentango (Argentina)Tango musicRock de Nylon is an experimental and conceptual obra. Marginal music. SUITABLE FOR: ALL
- Traditional music from south america
- Ruben Rojo Y Pennabilli Social Club (Italy - Argentina)Traditional music from south americaTraditional repertoire from Southamerica as well as contaminations from other countries made into music by these energetic characters. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- tragicomic circus - theatre
- Piano C (Italy - Belgium)tragicomic circus - theatreA simple scene .... few things ..... cardboard boxes, a bin, a sidewalk .... The Story begins in a corner of the street when two characters meet. Poetic show characterized by acrobatic and handling of waste. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 18 Jun
- Transatlantic Lobster Jazz
- Mandibles (England)Transatlantic Lobster JazzThe Mandibles combine some of the UK�s top young gypsy swing players with high energy, jump-jive, theatrical performances and an enchanting musical imagination. These festival favourites induce crowds into frenzied, arm flinging, toe tapping dance floors as they rollercoaster through musical genres and simultaneously show what an extremely talented group they are. Not to be missed! SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 17 Jun, 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun
- video marionette street comedy
- Cie L ' Excuse (France)video marionette street comedyAfter Homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens, Compagnie l ' Excuse present The HomoCatodicus Ils se promenent et promenent leur visages sur notre societe de l'image. Un spectacle par la lucarne de l'objet culte de notre civilisation de la communication. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 18 Jun, 19 Jun, 20 Jun