Compagnia En CroQ

Funky Pudding

Compagnia En CroQ
At the edge of madness, Funky Pudding is a comic buffon show where a couple of obeses lives, as all normally peoples, but into a great waste bin . A hilarious show coming from comic and physical theatre, truly eccentric and exaggerated, in which the spectactors will no longer be able to be “apart” from the show, but will eventually acquire a “taste”. Be aware indeed... For everything you wasted will be used against you! "The Franco-Italian company En Croq tackled a big piece, a satire cruel, lucid and humorous. A joyful show, inventive, enormously buffoon which do not masked writing quality, accuracy and richness of the game of the staging." Midi-Libre SUITABLE FOR: ALL
Show: Funky Pudding
Country: Italy - France