Dante Cigarini
Pierin Fagiolo e altre storie
EXTRA - A nice puppet with big protruding ears tells the story of Pierin Fagiolo and the awful children-eater witch Burdana.
Through the mediation of the storytelling, the tale loses its negative value, thus enabling the children to give a face to fear and helping them to win it; after all,
as Alessandro Baricco says "there's nothing so terrible that can't get better once told". The show, addressed to all-aged children, is performed with the technique of
ventriloquism, and its main subject is the defusing of the fear.
Show: Pierin Fagiolo e altre storie
Country: Italy
Genre: Ventriloquist
Email: info@dantecigarini.it,
Url: www.dantecingarini.it
Country: Italy
Genre: Ventriloquist
Email: info@dantecigarini.it,
Url: www.dantecingarini.it