Lords of strut

The Street

Lords of strut
The Lords of Strut are an acrobatic duo, Famous Seamus and Seantastic. Their high energy high impact street show is a huge success across Ireland and Europe. Lords of Strut will thrill you. This is circus like you have never seen it before. In the air, on their backs and with very little clothing. They are the best thing to happen to circus since the invention of the tent! Lords of Strut don't even need a tent, they perform on the street, they are street. As Irelands hardest working ManBand, Irelands biggest celebrities and the worlds next super stars....LORDS OF STRUT.... are real stars for real people! SUITABLE:FOR ALL
Show: The Street
Country: Ireland
Genre: Commedy acrobatic
Email: lordsofstrut@gmail.com,
Url: www.lordsofstrut.com