Carnage Productions


Carnage Productions
In order to support their favourite special operation unit (the RAID), a small group of female fans decided to create the « MajoRAID » . Those six majorettes march in their very own style (with a quad), they have good taste (for aperitives), they invest in their own image (specially with Band Aid) and set challenges for themselves (in the face). They proudly raise the standard of their glorious femininity. They will demonstrate various techniques more or less academical, such as charms, disorder and clowning. Incantation, dances , flag choreography, feat of strength, involuntary stunts, food waste and loss of control are part of the program and the girls will of course stand at attention ! Whithout drums, nor trumpets, they would do everything to honour the majorette attitude, and for no reasons at all shall they envy traditional parades. French national day's parade can go home !!! To look at the MajoRAID passing by, is to dream for a short time of an orderly and dominating world, unless anything unforeseen disturbs their well trained performance... Their motto : « Hairless but not bold » A march that does not slip away, whatever the circumstances… SUITABLE: FOR ALL
Show: MajoRAID
Country: France
Genre: street comedy performance-non verbal show-ambulant