Il Buffone di corte - Teatro delle Isole

Il Fachiro Taccalandha e l’elefante indiano

Il Buffone di corte - Teatro delle Isole
From a distant country, maybe from India, comes to us Taccalandha, self-styled fakir devoted to fasting (of his soul) and to the self-flagellation (of his dignity), accompanied by an Indian elephant. Taccalandha fakir is a charlatan and trickster, the only one, probably, convinced of his paranormal abilities. Pantry to all who cross his path, recommendations and miracle cures, he performs exercises of high fakirs and mental tests of telekinesis and mind reading, showing off his huge pachyderm who follows him everywhere faithfully. SUITABLE FOR: ALL
Show: Il Fachiro Taccalandha e l’elefante indiano
Country: Italy
Genre: Itinerant Indian Elephant