Di Filippo Marionette
Appeso ad un Filo
Seven puppets, thanks to the actor-puppeteer, give rise to a succession of stories and situations that are always different, poetic and surreal. A show full of poetry, naive as genuine, delicate and intimate. The view of the audience, directed on the puppets, is a focus that leads to an introspective dimension and carries us elsewhere.
Show: Appeso ad un Filo
Country: Italy - Spain
Genre: Illustration theatre
Email: difilippomarionette@gmail.com,
Url: difilippomarionette.wix.com/colgando-de-un-hilo
Country: Italy - Spain
Genre: Illustration theatre
Email: difilippomarionette@gmail.com,
Url: difilippomarionette.wix.com/colgando-de-un-hilo