Jashgawronsky Brothers
Doing the trash collection is a dirty job, but the Jashgawronsky Brothers have turned it into a musical adventure! In "Trash!" the invention is transformed into music and bizarre stuff. The three Armenian brothers will perform in a swirling concert for recycled instruments, faithful to the motto "Do not throw away anything". Everything can be music: from their bodies to the brooms, from the tubes to the bins, from the buskets to the toitlet paper, from the dry to the moist! The Incredible Jashgawronsky Brothers, three modern clowns come out from a dream of possible happyness.
Show: Trash!
Country: Italy
Genre: reused comic music
Email: paolo.rz61@gmail.com,
Url: www.jashgawronsky.com
Country: Italy
Genre: reused comic music
Email: paolo.rz61@gmail.com,
Url: www.jashgawronsky.com