Circo Patuf
In Alto Mare
Circo Patuf is a traveling circus troupe, with a Chapiteau, born in 2009 in Solferino (MN). Since their first project introduced in 2010, Circo Patuf partecipated to many italian buskers festivals being a hit. This year they will perform at Artisti in Piazza with the new show "In Alto Mare".
The Chapiteau Patuf will be transformed into a transatlantic travelling from Europe to the New World, and like in every real ship will not miss sails, ropes, ballroom with crystal chandeliers and corridors of the third class where all the baggage and hopes are piled up.
The audiece is invited to get on board and take the trip to the Buenos Aires harbor, exactly like many Italians did at the beginning of the last century, looking for a chance.
The ship's crew is composed by weird characters: sailors with seasickness, nobelwomen with thousand dressed in feathers, travellers
surrounded by ancient trunks, shady figures... everyone faces their own travel experience, and the audience with them.
And you know, more you leave the harbor and your everyday life, more the sea become big and wild and the sound of waves stuns, scares and
increases the doubts.
Doubts show off like storm: the boat swells, tilts dangerously, turns upside down... the storm forces passengers of the ship to deal with themselves and their beliefs.
And when the storm is over and everything is calm, you can look around and realize that everithing is changed.
Now you are ready to reach the New World.
Clownerie, aerial acrobatic, juggling, transformation and more, on the notes of Argentine tango, in a show who is a real travel..."In Alto Mare".
And you, do you dare to get on board?
Country: Italy
Genre: Nouveau Cirque