ArS RuRaliS
Linfa Suono

The ArS RuRaliS project is formed by Simone Mulazzani and Valentina Grossi. Their research work has been developing since 2014 combining craftsmanship, applied arts, sculpture, scenography, poetry, music, performance, anthropology, and is part of a dense network of interdependencies between beings and attitudes. They also implement an overcoming of the dualistic vision nature/culture and scientific objectivism towards a Situationism of AntroPoetic type, in which the relationship between work, environment and observer/user becomes fundamental.
The focus of Sound Lymphs (Linfa Suono) is the study and interest in man's ancestral relationship with his natural environment and the forces that underlie it, and the "artistic" reworking of this relationship through ritual and the mask.
The mask is an element that is found in most cultures and human populations and of which in this post-industrial time we are losing the sense and interest. Ritual is the tangible ex
In this performance you will see a reworking of these issues, in an attempt to propose a dialogue between man and the forces of nature and the primordial bud that animates it.
Country: Italy
Genre: Itinerant Situationist Performance