
Black Atlantic Music


Ayom are musical navigators crossing the Atlantic, from Brazil, to Angola and Cape Verde, to the Mediterranean. They were awarded BEST GROUP 2021 and BEST 10 ALBUMS 2021 OF THE YEAR (Songlines) and BEST WORLD MUSIC ALBUM 2021 (German Critics records).
According to Songlines magazine, "their sound is a mix of Brazilian, tropical, Afro-Latin and Afrolusitan sounds played with an irresistible charge, like a tropical sun piercing through the clouds."
Blending numerous musical and rhythmic traditions, Ayom embarks on an exciting and intimate journey on the routes of the African diaspora, where tradition and contamination, male and female, poetry and energy, joy and social engagement coexist.

Jabù Morales – voice and percussions
Alberto Becucci - accordeon
Ricardo Quinteira - guitar
Francesco Valente - bass
Timoteo Grignani - percussion
Walter Martins - percussion


Show: Black Atlantic Music
Country: Brazil - Angola - Italy
Genre: Brazilian, African, Mediterranean and South American rhythms
Email: ayom.prod@gmail.com
Url: http://www.ayommusic.com/