Compañia Depáso
La Trottola
Jose and Clara met in 2017 in Buenos Aires, sharing training spaces, a strong passion for aerial acrobatics and a desire to create. He is Chilean, specializing in smooth rope, fabric and straps; she is Italian, specializing in fabric, dance and smooth rope. Both are passing through (in Spanish "de paso") the Argentine capital and always ready to undertake journeys and new paths. Starting from spontaneity and the desire to build, the project of the company Depáso begins to take shape and currently travels with his show between Europe and Latin America.
The Spinning Top
Two characters wrapped in a timeless scene meet in a dizzying journey inside a vortex, a ritual to discover what is inside each of them amidst the chaos. They play at defying gravity by tackling flight as a favorite pastime, they spin in the air like unbridled spinning tops, they get carried away by the inertia of movement and unexpected surprises, they face the difficulties of a vertical path to their big dreams, they explore and savor the great mystery of taking their feet off the floor.
Mixing and standing out in the maelstrom leaves the human side uncovered; self-discovery happens through the other. Fragility remains suspended in view and eyes of all. An unforgettable journey.
WINNER OF THE COMPETITION TRAMPOLINO VETRINA 2022 - promoted by A.C.C.I. - Associazione Circo Contemporaneo Italia
Country: Italy - Cile
Genre: Contemporary circus