Jyoti Supernaturel - Miracle of Balance
Miracle of Balance

French citizen but man of the world, Jyoti Supernaturel searched, researched, practiced in authentic places, from pure masters - in the Himalayas and South America, India - he collected the secrets and sounds of authentic ancient musical instruments, vocal techniques and researched other ways cooperateing with energy of universe, till he found his own way. And created a unique show with crystal balls.
In Miracle of balance he created some close-up tricks and illusions and compose incredible music concert.
Show: Miracle of Balance
Country: France
Genre: Illusionism, juggling, contact
Email: jyotisupernaturel@gmail.com
Url: www.jyotisupernaturel.com
Country: France
Genre: Illusionism, juggling, contact
Email: jyotisupernaturel@gmail.com
Url: www.jyotisupernaturel.com