Kolektivo Konika
La punta del mio naso
Kolektivo Konika is a circus-theater company residing between Italy and Spain that was born from the need to create a collective path to enrich themselves as artists and share their passion for circus. They bet on the acrobatic portes (hand to hand) of women and debuted in March 2021 in the Basque Country with their first show La punta del mio naso.
The project, ambitious for its logistics, was possible thanks to the grant from the Basque Government, beneficiary of the Travesia-Pyrenees cross-border cooperation program of circus, selected in Spain in the catalog of Circus A-ESCENA (promoted by INAEM and the Spanish Network of Theaters and CircoRed), as well as in the program PLATEA INAEM. Last season we were on stage in festivals such as La Mostra de Igualada (Catalonia), Festival Circada of Sevilla, Fira de Circ la Bisba d'Emporda (Catalonia), Festival Umore Azoka of Bilbao, Feria de danza y teatro of Huesca and in the programming of Teatro Circo Price of Madrid.
WINNER OF THE TRAMPOLINO VETRINA 2022 CALL promoted by A.C.C.I. - Associazione Circo Contemporaneo Italia
Country: Italy - Spain
Genre: Contemporary circus
Email: kolektivokonika@gmail.com
Url: https://kolektivokonika.com/it/