Raffaele De Ritis
Nuovo Cinema Circo - Viaggio nel tempo e nella meraviglia
Raffaele De Ritis is a director and historian active since the 1980s in Europe and the United States. He has created shows for Ringling-Barnum, Cirque du Soleil, Big Apple Circus, Franco Dragone, and is creative consultant to Disneyland Paris. He has directed David Larible, Arturo Brachetti, Raul Cremona, Aldo-Giovanni-Giacomo. He was among the pioneers of the Togni "Florilegio" and Raitre's "Circo" series. Author of several essays and works on circus arts and illusionism, he lectures all over the world. He has lectured at La Sapienza and Tor Vergata Universities, the CNAC, ESAC, Vertigo, and is co-founder of the Nouveau Clown Institute. He has been a member of the circus advisory commission for Mibact and president of the Pescara Event Authority, where in 2007 he founded of "Funambolika - International Festival of New Circus."
Country: Italy
Genre: Film show
Url: www.raffaelederitis.com