VolumetricaVision DJSet

Let The Funk Ride

VolumetricaVision DJSet

Devoted to vinyl music for years, assiduous collector, married funk in all its shades. Suitable for any situation where dancing could take over. Venerator of Groove and Black Music, assiduous accumulator of lacquerware. Humble shepherd of the Dancefloor, pathological acolyte of analog harmony. Researcher stakanovist of sounds and vibes that gravitate around the Black world: Funky, Soul, Disco, Rap and R&B, Roots, Afrobeat, Ethiojazz and Rare Groove, he tours the boot in search of the perfect Block Party. VolumetricaVision has also been a radio show aired every Wednesday on RadioKairos in Bologna and every Monday on Radio Veronica. Let the funk ride!


Show: Let The Funk Ride
Country: Italy
Genre: Funky, Soul, Disco, Rap, Afrobeat, Ethiojazz and Rare Grooves Dj set
Email: volumetricavision@gmail.com
Url: https://www.mixcloud.com/volumetricavision-djset/