Ici’bas Company


Ici’bas Company

Performers in contemporary dance and circus, Christine Daigle and Mathias Reymond created the COMPANY ICI’BAS in 2015. The company, based in Sainte-Croix in Switzerland, has the project to promote the interdisciplinarity of the performing arts. Through diverse collaborations and with Constance Bugnon, a new member in the core of the team since 2019, the company traces her path between alternative venues, nature, cities and the black box of theaters. The diversities of forms, contexts and mediums enriches the process to treat and question common themes such as the relation we have with nature, with our nature and with each other. 

L'ENVERS – Duo project combining dance and circus designed for the city and its architecture, rediscovered by the performers. A time where the passerby can stop and take a deep breath of fresh air. With this first proposition, the company was able to share its work in over 50 festivals in a dozen different countries. The show receives the jury prize from the contest Mais Imaginarius in Portugal and the prize Best performance of emerging company in Umore Azoka, Spain.


Show: L'Envers
Country: Switzerland
Genre: Dance and circus
Email: cieicibas@hotmail.com
Url: https://www.cieicibas.com