Olivier Grossetête

Costruzione Monumentale Partecipativa in Cartone

Olivier Grossetête

Starting from the concepts of sociality, active experience, collective participation, sharing and inclusion, we would like to propose within the artistic programming of the 27th edition of Artisti in Piazza, the workshop with final performance PARTICIPATORY MONUMENTAL CONSTRUCTION IN CARDBOARD by established French artist OLIVIER GROSSETÊTE: an invitation to the population to come together to construct an unusual, ephemeral and useless building to experience an artistic event in which all participants find their place.

Participatory Monumental Construction in Cardboard is an invitation to the public to build together an unusual building, a collective performance. Sharing and collaboration between artists and the public and, more generally, between people, is the driving force behind this highly participatory and interactive proposal, in which the intervention of the public is fundamental to the development and success of the performance. The goal is to involve them by entrusting them with an active role: the spectator becomes an actor who takes part in the performance by getting involved with the artists and sharing the creative act in a direct emotional exchange.

The audience is asked to assemble empty cardboard boxes to build a monument, without a crane or a machine, but only with human energy and muscle power. Ephemeral by nature, the end of this construction, that is, its destruction, is also a moment of celebration and joy. The performance is both a reflection on the image and symbolism of architecture exploring urban spaces and a social and political project that allows us to reflect, together.

The goal of the project is as much to share the experience of a collective construction as the final artwork. This is a federative and inclusive project that touches young and old and allows people to come together and build joyfully together. A performance that allows people to make connections with each other, with the understanding that when we share we inevitably progress.


With the support of Fondazione Nuovi Mecenati - French-Italian Foundation for the Support of Contemporary Creation.

Show: Costruzione Monumentale Partecipativa in Cartone
Country: France
Genre: Collective performance
Email: oliviergrossetete@netcourrier.com
Url: https://www.olivier-grossetete.com/