IL CIRCO NELLO SPAZIO / SPACE CIRCUS – Boarding Pass Plus 2021/2022
THE CIRCUS IN THE SPACE / SPACE CIRCUS is a project of Teatro Necessario with Ultimo Punto / Artisti in Piazza and Tony Clifton Circus and with Riga Cirks (Latvia), Bussola (Portugal), Rara Woulib (France)
winner of the BOARDING PASS PLUS 2021/22 of the Italian Ministry of Culture / Direzione Generale Spettacolo Dal Vivo – Circo Contemporaneo.
The project IL CIRCO NELLO SPAZIO / SPACE CIRCUS is a program dedicated to the internationalization of the careers of Italian artists, performers and operators of contemporary circus. The project aims to integrate contemporary circus and its various disciplinary dimensions, from clown to acrobatics, from juggling to magic, with the participatory and immersive performance, which brings the show in the urban space, in public places, outside of those conventionally devoted to the performance, involving the local community and the spectators, who become active subjects in the realization of the show.
In November 2021, following a public call, the 6 Italian contemporary circus artists who will take part in the project have been selected: CLAUDIA GARRONE, ESTER BEGHELLI, SEBASTIANO MOLTRER, TOMMASO BRUGIAPAGLIA and MARTINA MUGHEDDU.
The program includes 4 training stages in France, Portugal, Latvia and Italy that will take place fromFebruary to September 2022. To the partners involved, to the artists/teachers of the course, to the group of students, to the public of the Emilia-Romagna territory, the project offers the opportunity to meet and exchange skills, acquiring new knowledge in the performative field. At the end of the project a collective work will be created with the contribution of the audience and the community, staged in June at Artisti in Piazza 2022 in Pennabilli and at Tutti Matti per Colorno 2022 in the first week of September. The goal is that artists involved in the project will be able to create collaborative, interactive and participatory performances, combining this type of collective performance designed for public, urban spaces with their own circus techniques.
FROM PUBLIC SPACE TO COSMIC SPACE – In order to realize the final collective work, the project chooses to give itself a utopian, provocative and yet not impossible artistic horizon: the creation of a work of art that can be seen from Space, in particular from the International Space Station. The show that will be realized will be an out of the ordinary, immersive, interactive and receptive experience. Starting from an intuition of Enrico Partisani (Ass. Ultimo Punto Pennabilli) and Steve Henwood (Bath fringe Festival UK), drawing on different ritual traditions, different spectacular fields and keeping the circus as the main element, the project wants to bring together people and artists to try to communicate with the stars, to bring the circus in the space, public and cosmic, breaking down the distance/division between artists and audience, involving the local community, creating a performance in which there are no spectators but only participants.