Le BoTrio

Rhythm & Beast

Le BoTrio
Ben, Jok and Mik met at the ESAC circus school in Brussels, together they developed a spectacular mix of juggling and acrobatics on trampoline. After 'Trampoline Mission 3' with ‘Cirq’ulation Locale‘, they unleash once again, with there latest creation, their absurd humour, their fresh energy and their pleasure on a breathtaking rhythm. Rhythm & Beast With tingling in their feet, these three uptight citizens need to loosen up! Driven by the rhythm of their hearts, their primitive instinct takes over and turns them into funky 'beasts', fizzling around with crazy juggling and blazing acrobatics... will they make their way back to reality? SUITABLE FOR: ALL
Show: Rhythm & Beast
Country: Belgium
Genre: Circus, Silent Comedy street Theatre
Email: info@lebotrio.be,
Url: www.lebotrio.be