- Siman Tov (Italy)EXTRA - Siman Tov is a project created in 2005 from the encounter between Martino and Fabrizio who, after studying respectively clarinet and piano, fall for klezmer music of the Jews of Eastern Europe. Then Tiziano (accordion and many more instruments) joins them, and afterwards Nicolo' on the double bass and Gioele on the violin. Melancholic tunes and wild rhythm connect Eastern Europe with the Mediterranean through gipsy sounds, Arabian percussions, abrupt stops and quick restarting... and you won't be able to hold your feet steady! SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 03 Jun, 04 Jun
- Gli Orsi (Italy)"Gli Orsi" a band that was born from the popular music and film tunes. The original songs are performed by Stefano Bonato, Umberto Giovannini, and guitar by Stephen Pagliarani SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 05 Jun
- Cia Mattatoio sospeso (Italy)Tragicoromanticomic duo in flight. A transalpine street circus, a barker engaged in the routine of the "Femme volante", from ground up to 10 mt height; breathtaking falls, awesome evolutions: approchez vous! SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Alejandro Toledo & the Magic Tombolinos (England)High Energy Band from London! They play balkan,latin, D&B and Gotich-Polka music. Guarenteed to blow your socks off!!! SUITABLE FOR: ALL.In Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- FrankTastico (England)Franktastico will capture you imagination with his amazing lasso tricks. Scintillate your ears with his virtuosic banjo playing and impress you with his circus abilities. 20 years of music, comedy and circus culminate in this banjo-circus solo show. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Guappecarto' (Italy)Original instrumental composition in guappo-dionysian style. They perform their own music, ranging from gipsy and Mediterranean sounds to and through South-American rhythm and Waltz... A timeless directory, open to music and travels. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Sukarma (Nepal)Sukarma, as the word refers to as "good deeds" upholds a two-fold philosophy. Firstly, the musicians devote themselves to the music by celebrating it as a symbol of their Sukarma. And secondly, they endeavour to instill the classical music in the young generations by playing ragas and indigenous folk music as well as experimental music. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun
- GRAALL (France)Running away from global earth warming, two yuocs, mythic creatures of Central Asia, and their shepherd are having a rest during their long journey from the Yuoclund highlands. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- The Slampampers (Netherland)An hilarious musical extravaganza in which our three heroes tumble & fall all over the stage. They're hot & they swing through this unexpected comedy filled with gallons of sweat & tons of music. Never sparing themselves, the audience or one another with their unlimited energy. Their performance looks like their lives depend on it. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Molotov Jukebox (England)Gypstep with a Latin twist emerging from the musical pits of London like a dancing phoenix! SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Rulas (Mexico)Quetzalcoatl was born in the city of Puebla, in Mexico, in the year 2000 as an Afro-Cuban persecution ensemble. In the year 2001 the group starts experimenting with music, fire, theatre and dance, creating an own artistic ex
pression style, participating in numerous festivals though out the Mexican Republic. SUITABLE FOR: ALL In Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun - Zen Hussies (England)An six piece energetic musical behemoth, whose style is straddled between swing, ska, jive, boogie and surf, performed with a punk attitude. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Andrea Loreni funambolo (Italy)Andrea Loreni, extraordinary tightrope in Pennabilli make crossing the Italian record: 250 meters long, 90 meters high. Andrea will join the castles of Penna and Billi. Not to be missed! SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 04 Jun
- The beat brothers (Italy - Spain)Two clowns escaped from the eighties and from prison try to earn their living by showing their outlandish performance to the audience. "The Beat Brothers" is a huge juke box of images, colours and music, which works with a particular kind of fuel... people's energy! SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- La combriccola dei Lillipuziani (Italy)"Come, Ladies and Gentlemen, come and see the greatest show of the smallest circus in the world: Le Cirque Baul". That's right! The circus of the 'Combriccola dei Lillipuziani' couldn't but be a miniature circus! They will come with nothing more than a trunk and an old gramophone, which is all they can bring along, and all they actually need to create a refined and hilarious old-time show. Enjoy! SUITABLE FOR: ALL - CHILDREN (OVER 3)In Pennabilli: 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Simone Romano' (Italy)“Hop-Hop” is a circus show made of juggling, acrobatics, object handling and clown play. The choice of not using the words brings the show to a visual level and to pantomime, allowing the spectators to interplay with the artist and his imaginary world. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Compagnia En CroQ (Italy - France)At the edge of madness, Funky Pudding is a comic buffon show where a couple of obeses lives, as all normally peoples, but into a great waste bin . A hilarious show coming from comic and physical theatre, truly eccentric and exaggerated, in which the spectactors will no longer be able to be “apart” from the show, but will eventually acquire a “taste”. Be aware indeed... For everything you wasted will be used against you! SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun
- Cooperativa Tangram (Italy)HELP...HELP...S.O.S… Someone needs help! No problem!There are...THE FIREMAN'S! with theire incredibile "tritandem fire truck" reach any square or street. Directed by Bano Ferrari SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun
- Progetto Brockenhaus/di Terlizzi-Manenti (Switzerland)The show is an imaginary projection of the President's grey matter. A convention of grey bodies and gagged little men. An assembly where she complains of her comic pregnancy and he torments himself ironically. A conference to which the spectators are invited, and where they will get stuck into an "overturned" imaginative world. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- La Santeria (Italy)A journey into the ancestral Blues of Charlie Patton and Blind Lemon Jefferson, ranging from Caribbean music to the sounds of the old Tin Pan Alley. "La Santeria" (Claudio Oliveri: guitars - Francesco Pesaresi: double bass - Paolo Angelini: percussions) proposes its reinterpretation of the Afro-American music, trying to make different styles, though deeply related, coexist. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun
- Folk Funk Superstarz + Word (Italy)Music project based on reinterpretation of classic Romagna folk songs in slow-funk, trip-hop and hip-hop style, accompanied by a female voice; the lyrics, deriving from texts by Romagna poets, turn into dialect rap of refined and contemporary sound. The pieces are recorded in studio and played during the show as "author dj-set" with special appearance by Word, rank as one of the brightest protagonists of underground italian and dialect rap. The Folk Funk Superstarz + Word are: Davide Eron Salvadei, Federica Gif, Word. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 03 Jun
- Gnu Quartet (Italy)According to an old African tale, the gnu would result from the crossbreeding of different animal species. The rare Italic gnu is also the crossbred of multicolored experiences: a stage animal with the body of a classic musician, the brain of a jazz player and the legs of a rocker. The Gnu were born in 2005 under the P.F.M. lucky star at the National Theater in Milan: hence they started collaborating with many important artists for original projects. Passion for music without biases, alchemy of joy and research, virtuosity of classical music mixed with light music: here is this original and eclectic quartet. In Pennabilli they will present their new album "Somethinghs Gnu". SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun
- Nashville trio (Italy)In Pennabilli: 05 Jun
- Crop Circo (Italy)In Pennabilli: 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Stefano Serino Gruppo (Italy)In Pennabilli: 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- ,
- Le Baccanti (Italy),What happens inside the cemetery walls when the last visitor leaves the scene, when the cemetery caretaker locks the gate? Cries, chains, restless souls, will-of-the wisps? SUITABLE FOR: ALL (CHILDREN OVER 6 YEARS)In Pennabilli: 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 05 Jun
- Acustic blues music
- Francesco Piu Duo (Italy)Acustic blues musicA musical path starting from blues of the thirties till modern blues. In Pennabilli Francesco will perform with the percussionist Pablo Leoni. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun
- Circus
- Cirque Branc (Italy - France)CircusInspired by the nostalgia of a past way of living our time, in a simple and rustic fashion, we are overwhelemd by a deep and slight feeling which carries us away. The circus the way it used to be: pop corn, trapezists, acrobats... SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Jenny Rombai (Belgium)Circus"Terrain Vague" is a messy intimate show. Ranging from cabaret to punk-rock, rope and motion, it offers intense moments mixing softness and frenzy. Created on the street and for the street, it continously evolves anywhere, any time... SUITABLE FOR: ALL
- Circus - Theater
- Rasoterra (Belgium)Circus - TheaterA man, a woman. Together young and old, children and adults, accomplices, intelligent animals, small teddy bears locked up in a cage. Circular movements and memories flashing through the brain like a modern-day slide-show. SUITABLE FOR ALL - CHILDREN (OVER 8 YEARS)In Pennabilli: 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- circus theatre
- My!Laika (France)circus theatreThe sound of the electric guitar joins a sewing machine. The notes accompanying the plan stunts ... Laughter, applause and shivering audience and actors: the circus My! Laika. SUITABLE FOR: ALL - CHILDREN (OVER 9 YEARS)In Pennabilli: 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Circus, Silent Comedy street Theatre
- Le BoTrio (Belgium)Circus, Silent Comedy street Theatre'Rhythm & Beast' is a whirling circus act full of blazing acrobatics and crazy juggling tricks on a giant trampoline, in the burlesque universe of three funky 'beasts'. A spectacular performance combining absurd humour, fresh energy and a lot of pleasure on a breathtaking rhythm. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Clown
- I Circondati (Italy)ClownTwo clowns with their two musical instruments, a clarinet and a barrel organ, start off a concert which can't find a 'comfortable position'. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Eteclown (Argentina)ClownEXTRA - A mime, a peculiar clown with a weird little voice. It is a totally improvised show, typical of the greatest street performers. He has the extraordinary skill of involving the people he wants to play with. Enjoyment is guaranteed for all of the family. Ete can shift from anger to laughter in a twinkle, leaving a pleasant memory in those who have the chance to watch his show. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Dado (Canada-Germany)ClownCome see Mon Oncle like you've never seen him before in pink tights and a tutu' performing an array of up-beat music and off-beat humor as he performs a zany concert on his 8 musical chickens while dancing to The Blue Danube Waltz. A show where the ordinary becomes the absurd and the absurd becomes the ordinary. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Gromic (Belgium-Spain)ClownHave Fun Like a Child! Welcome Back to a World of Magical Simplicity! Tender visual comedy inspired by magicians and clowns. A Lovable Tramp... An Interactive Audience... An Unforgettable Encounter! SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Clown, Street theatre
- Hiltoff (Spain)Clown, Street theatreThe "F" hour is drawing closer and... the research on 'sport' sounds and frequency modulation begins: the most awaited radio event. Finally Hilton can tune in to his favourite broadcast, when suddenly this is cut off. Starting from this hitch, Hilton interplays with the spectators and creates a sport passionate-parodic atmosphere which brings him to score the goal of his life in an epic way: naked, cheeky, with humour, until the marker comes... SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- comedy and mime
- Funny Bones (Japan - England)comedy and mimeWelcome to the creative world of Funny Bones. This show has it all...hat juggling, voice percussion, comedymime, magic and the slightlty frightening, but hillarious, giant puppets-The Zombies. SUITABLE FOR: ALL.In Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Comic aerial music show
- The ladybugs (Australia-England)Comic aerial music showThe Ladybugs musical talents get taken everywhere - into the air with live singing cloudswing (NO LIP-SYNCHING), up onto stilts for high altitude musical roving and to the concert stage for a good dose of musical comedy. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Comico
- Malu circo? (Italy-Sweden)ComicoFour clowns are catapulted in a timeless limbo. This is how their bizarre adventure begins, where music and acrobatics draw the audience into a magic and surreal atmosphere. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Peter Weyel (Germany)ComicoEXTRA - Peter Weyel has been street-performing for over 20 years all around Europe buskers festivals. Apparently in a very bad mood, Peter Weyel presents an explosive and spectacular show. The chemistry that establishes between Peter and the public develops into an overwhelming performance, in which dramatic and hilarious tricks follow one another in unexpected ways. SUITABLE FOR: ALL.In Pennabilli: 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Dj set - hip hop, soul, funky breaks
- Aldo Vanucci (England)Dj set - hip hop, soul, funky breaksA great international English DJ!!!! With his music and his sound mix will make you dance for wonderful moments in palacirco... SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Etno, Reggae, Funk Music
- Gli Alberi (Italy - San Marino)Etno, Reggae, Funk MusicResident DJ duo of Palacirco. "Gli Alberi" offers a mix of ethnic, reggae, funk.In Pennabilli: 02 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- folk music
- Carneigra (Italy)folk musicEXTRA - An enjoyable, flimsy, though never trivial show, made of stories, invention, and taste of old and new, where the word takes the spotlight, so charming, amusing and flippant as it is. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 03 Jun, 04 Jun
- Jazz Manouche Music
- A la sante' de Django (Italy)Jazz Manouche MusicA pleasant journey to recreate the atmosphere of the Gipsy caravans (manouche) and Paris of the 40s. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Marching band
- Always drinking marching band (Catalonia-Spain)Marching bandMoving interactive show, full of hilarious theatrical situations and a musical repertoire that will leave you speechless.A real explosion of energy made by 10 musicians and a clown. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun
- Modern circus
- El Grito (Belgium)Modern circus"20 DECIBEL" is an explosion of fantasy and freedom, provocation and beauty, an invitation to listen, to sharpen ones senses in order to perceive the "small " that hides behind the "obvious. " It’s a journey into a world where aerial acrobatics, gunshots, dance and juggling are never allowed to overwhelm more tenuous sounds and images. Bodies are transformed, reflections can last forever, objects play the songs of their own souls. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Mongolian folk music
- Altai Khairkhan (Mongolia)Mongolian folk musicOvertone singing and traditional melodies of Altai Khairkhan will take you away to the Altai Mountains and the endless steppes of Mongolia. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Puppet
- Grande Lupo Bulgaro (Bulgary)PuppetAfter the experience with the Teatro La Fenice in Venice, the master Teodor Borisov, a pupil of the great Bulgarian school of puppetry, performing in Pennabilli to the delight of children who will enjoy his puppets operated by thin wires. Teodor will enchant you with an amazing show. SUITABLE FOR: ALL - CHILDREN (OVER 5 YEARS)In Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- puppets theatre
- Trukitrek (Catalonia-Spain)puppets theatreWorld premiere for the new Trukitrek show. Wordless tragicomedy narrating the life of the inhabitants of a small volcanic island in the middle of the ocean. SUITABLE FOR: ALL (CHILDREN OVER 7)In Pennabilli: 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Puppets theatre
- Mattia Simoncelli (Italy)Puppets theatreMattia's puppets will tell you an odd and funny story, freely adapted from the tale "A fish is a fish" by Leo Lionni. SUITABLE FOR: ALL - CHILDREN (OVER 4)In Pennabilli: 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Songwriters
- Duo Bucolico (Italy)SongwritersEXTRA - The singer-songwriters Antonio Ramberti and Daniele Maggioli featuring an engaging, amusing and sarcastic music show!!! Their show is a weird farce, half elevated songwriting (as their lyrics are very accurate and refined) half popular and burlesque music. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Street theatre
- Marco Raparoli (Italy)Street theatreA wheelbarrow - a symbol for some people, an ordinary object for some other - full of dreams, joy and a small coloured tent. The show has won the 2011 edition of the "Cantieri di Strada" contest. Not to be missed! SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Theatralmusic
- Acoustic Spirit Duo (Italy)TheatralmusicIn Pennabilli: 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Theatralmusic, Swing, gipsy, balkan, tango music
- Camillocromo (Italy)Theatralmusic, Swing, gipsy, balkan, tango musicClose your eyes and imagine a flea that dance a tango in a circus, a coffee-pot that play music in a village band, an old merry-go-round, a silent film with Buster Keaton... SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun
- Traditional music from south america
- Ruben Rojo y Pennabilli Social Club (Italy - Argentina - Cuba)Traditional music from south americaTraditional repertoire from Southamerica as well as contaminations from other countries made into music by these energetic characters. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 02 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun
- Visual Mapping
- Luca Agnani (Italy)Visual MappingWhen street art encounters contemporary art at night, the city lightens up with new colors. A visual experience that will carry you away into a rediscovering journey of city's history with a completely original point of view. Luca Agnani is visual map designer, and creator of city layouts for invisible worlds. SUITABLE FOR: ALLIn Pennabilli: 01 Jun, 02 Jun, 03 Jun, 04 Jun, 05 Jun